Wednesday, November 21, 2007

For the last 2 ½ years, many of you have wondered where I have been and what I have been up to. As many of you know, on April 19, 2005, I was targeted by the Federal Government. The unfortunate experience changed my life in many ways, on the surface it looks bad but underneath it all is more good than you can imagine. In many instances what we consider bad or evil, is merely our inability to perceive the higher good that will be brought about.

One of the best things I did was move across the country to beautiful Portland, Oregon. This is a place where the grass truly is greener. There is more greenery here than any other place I have even been. It’s a great place to live… naturally. I should have moved here 10 years ago rather than moving from Daytona Beach to Miami. It’s much better than any of the other places I have lived….Miami, Orlando, Newport Beach, Las Vegas or Costa Rica. Life is much quieter and simpler here.

Granted, I am no longer considered wealthy after having all of my assets seized but that wealth refers to money and worldly assets. My mental wealth has expanded further than it ever could have had it not been for this experience. What seems terrible can be a blessing, if you are willing to learn from it.

Over the last 2 ½ years it seems that I have learned more than I learned in my previous 32 years. I have learned about life, love, and happiness. I have even learned about business, people, religion and much more.

I have also been working very hard on re-creating myself in business, well kind of. I am still doing what I always did….designing web sites and creating software to automate web business and online marketing and advertising. I just expanded my knowledge into a couple new areas….Search Engine Marketing and Computer Forensics.

I am also expanding into the publishing business. The first book will be out in December 2007. It is a true crime story. In the future many interesting books will be released, covering my life story, religion, true crime stories and other topics. Looking back, I have been in the publishing business for a LONG time. A web site is publishing. It requires lots of writing. But, beyond that, I have written several books and partially completed several others.

The first book I released covered mortgage secrets. It was released in 1994. I used it to generate interest in my mortgage business. The next book I released was a 70 page Internet Marketing book. I used it to generate interest in the a direct sales company I was promoting. It was very effective with 5,000 downloads in the first few weeks. In 2003, I released another Internet Marketing ebook that I wrote. It was 220 pages. It was also very successful resulting in several thousand downloads in the first couple months. During this time, I was also working on a health and weight loss book, based on my experience selling weight loss products for 5 years, knowledge, and life. This book is a work in progress. One day, it will be released. I believe it will be ground-breaking.

While re-creating myself in business, I have been learning more about the legal industry than I ever wanted to. I had no choice after the events of April 19, 2005. I have spent no less than half of my time learning about the legal industry. Here is a short list of the things that I have learned about……

Legal fictions, equitable sharing arrangements, search warrant affidavits, prosecutorial misconduct, judicial misconduct, on duty contact conversion, relation back doctrine, civil forfeiture, massiah motions, proffer, the fee and plea strategy, confidential informant, state bar investigations, grand jury, motion for more definite statement, circular arguments, foia requests, hobson’s choice, and many more.

I have even learned a few other legal Latin words, such as In rem proceedings , malum prohibitum, malum in se, quo warranto, pro hac vice and a few others.

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